Sunday, July 4, 2010


Last stop in my European tour. WAY too fast. Well, the weather could not have been better. The longest rain we had, was 2 hours in the morning on one day in Paris, of not, it was sunny almost every day. Well Paris was another beautiful city and a great way to end our trip. The pictures do not justify everything, but the Eiffel tower at night time is something u must see in person. So, thanks for watching along my trip!

Fountain in the Latin Square

The Louvre (museum with Mona Lisa) (which I saw too)

Arc de Triomphe

Moulin Rouge

Church in Montemarte

Notre Dame of Paris

Eiffel Tower at night strobing

Versailles gardens and fountains

Versailles palace of King Louie XIV


On a segway! Test run for 30minutes

The best crepes. All made fresh in front of you.

Supposedly the best ice cream in town. The line to get ice cream takes about 30 minutes to get to the front. Was it worth it? Pretty darn tasty. 30 minutes wait tasty? Maybe.

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